Curry actions from DDAU Checbox component

Example of how to curry actions with a checkbox.

November 03, 2016

Curry actions from DDAU Checbox component
// trucks/controller.js

import Ember from "ember";

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  trucks: [
    { name: "truck 1", inUse: false },
    { name: "truck 2", inUse: true },

  actions: {
    changeTruck(truck, inUse) {
      Ember.set(truck, "inUse", inUse);
// ddau-checkbox/component.js

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  tagName: 'input',
  attributeBindings: ['checked', 'type'],
  type: 'checkbox',
  change() {
    if (this.attrs['on-change']) {
      let checked = this.$().is(':checked');
// trucks/template.hbs
{{#each trucks as |truck|}}
          {{ddau-checkbox checked=truck.inUse on-change=(action 'changeTruck' truck)}}
Christoffer Artmann

Hi, I'm Chris!

I'm a Software Engineer and Product Manager living in sunny Barcelona.

If you want to chat, you can find me on all the social platforms.