My impressions from World Hosting Days 2014

I've just spent a few days at Europa Park attending the World Hosting days. The days were filled with interesting talks and I'll try to summarize the major themes in this post.

April 03, 2014

My impressions from World Hosting Days 2014

Open source is great

The value of open source development has reached even greater spread and hopefully this will lead to additional exchange of knowledge.

Love your ecosystems

Having a community around your product and then most importantly, have a product which allows your community to extend and modify it for their own personal needs.

Big data will get even bigger

Big data has been the thing to talk about for a while now and it’s still growing and recent analysis shows that by 2020 the amount of storage needed will be around 40 exabytes, that would equal about 85 million years of HD video. Seagate presented that they needed to innovate and move away from their classical disk manufacturing and the current way of building SANs. When they presented their new Kinetic disks they showed that they really have started to innovate and are building disks for object storage that can communicate over Ethernet.

Detach your resources

We have been moving our storage out from our servers for quit a while now and Intel presented that they want to do the same with the rest of our system resources. Using fiber optics they want to move memory and CPU out of the servers and into a rack level.

Arm enters the data center

AMD was present to talk about their new investment into Arm processor wanting to create CPUs for specific tasks like video rendering and data analytics.

Microsoft impresses

With their new concept, Cloud OS which is based on Windows server and Azure pack among others and lets you build and move between public and private clouds and alot of other cool features.

Learn to love your orchestration layer

While automated deployment and provisioning continue to grow and PaaS and SaaS are getting more popular the demand for on-demand infrastructure will increase.

Focus on the things you are good at and do them better

Identify the parts of your business that you do the best, focus on these and partner up with top actors in your edge areas.

Christoffer Artmann

Hi, I'm Chris!

I'm a Software Engineer and Product Manager living in sunny Barcelona.

If you want to chat, you can find me on all the social platforms.